
Using Transcript Review

By Rebekah Horsting posted 10-06-2017 09:53


Some who are pursuing CFP® certification may have studied topics included in the education requirements for certification through previous education coursework but not through a CFP Board-Registered Program, and ask if those credits can be applied in order to reduce the total length of time and expense for completion of the education requirement.

The answer is yes. The CFP Board Transcript Review process is a means for individuals to determine if they have completed coursework addressing all or part of the major personal financial planning areas at an appropriate education institution.

For Transcript Review, financial planning-related coursework must be taken at the upper-division levels and topic coverage equivalent to 3 semester hours. The courses must have been taken at a U.S. regionally-accredited four-year educational institution.

Review CFP Board’s Transcript Review process and compare the Principal Topics against your college transcript(s) to see if you have completed acceptable coursework addressing the personal financial planning topics.

